ARISE MILESTONES: Governor Umo Eno and President Tinubu’s leaked speech
By Ata Ikiddeh
Fifth day of the planned nationwide protest I decided to put a call through to Uyo. It was a young friend I called, a patriot.
“What’s happening in Uyo?”, I asked.
“Nothing is happening here came the reply”. I wasn’t sure if what I heard was some sort of exasperation that no protest had taken place. So I pressed on with my inquiry, “Aren’t people hungry in Uyo?”, I asked.
“We are hungry but there is a general consensus not to protest”.
“Perhaps you people are not hungry enough”, I dug in to get either a reaction or a response.
“It’s the Governor”, the other voice said, “What about the Governor?”, I asked.
“He met with the State and asked us not to protest”. I don’t give up easily, I pressed even further.
“Other Governors spoke to their people, they agreed but later decided to protest.
“You are right sir”, the person said and continued , “I think people just respect Pastor Umo Eno. They listen to him, he’s able to…I just don’t know….?”
The person was searching for the right word to describe the Governor’s magic or power over them. Suddenly a call came through, I had to drop and promised to call back.
‘Thinking aloud; what makes a people respect their leaders and want to follow their instructions?
I was pondering over the words of my young friend, “I think people just RESPECT Pastor Umo Eno”, the person had said.
“Strange”, I thought. The person did not say, “We love him”. The word was, “We RESPECT him”.
Then suddenly I understood. When a leader shows he loves the people, he earns their RESPECT. The love they give back to the leader is metamorphosed into RESPECT. I learnt something new today. Well done to Governor Umo Eno.
Are there lessons to be learnt by the Federal Government? I know President Tinubu loves the people of Nigeria but does he show it? Is his love spontaneous or has it been shackled in officialdom? At what point does a leader transit from leading to being a father? People are bound to listen to a father and not a leader in times of crisis. For example should the leadership at the Federal level have spoken, talked to or counselled the nation before the protests? It’s all down to emotional intelligence. It’s even become more complicated, there appears to be saboteurs in President Tinubu’s government. Which brings me to the next topic.
There was a major leak of Mr President’s speech six hours before its broadcast at 7 am this morning. I refer to a tweet at about 1 am Nigerian time!
Fellow Nigerians this leak is far more dangerous than the protests. It has serious National Security implications for the nation. A leak of this nature and at this level is a major security breach within the President’s inner circle. And it means one thing – there is a saboteur or saboteurs in close proximity to Mr President, acting against his interest and the interest of the Nigerian State. Saboteurs seeking to undermine his government.
And listen, it doesn’t matter if you support Mr President or not! This is not about APC, PDP or the Obidient movement – this is not political, this is about the integrity of Nigeria’s security at the level of the President’s office, the Commander -in- Chief. Anyone who can leak a classified document at that level, can also divulge confidential security documents to Boko Haram. To a belligerent nation like the Republic of Niger. Even mercenary foreign investors with ulterior motives.
Some people are of the opinion that the speech was deliberately sent by the President’s media team to a few trusted media houses for analysis. I don’t know how true this is, but whichever way you look at it this was still a major security breach, either by an insider or a 3rd party. And it was not just leaked to anybody but to Mr Sowore of Sahara Reporters, identified by many as one of the ring leaders of the ongoing protest. A man who has not hidden his disdain for this government and who some believe if he had his way would overthrow it.
In America Presidential speeches are only shared with the White House press corps 15 minutes before delivery.
One might ask what is the big deal about Mr President’s speech, after all it’s just a speech. You are mistaken it’s not just a speech, it is privileged and confidential. From the moment it is dictated, transcribed, composed, edited and a final draft produced, it is regarded by all intents and purposes classified, until it’s made public. Any document or other record, whether in paper, electronic, or other form, that contains information regarded as sensitive by a national government and which, for that reason, is legally accessible only to persons with an appropriate government-issued security clearance. Classified information is often restricted not only to certain persons but also to certain places. These locations can be as small as a single room or as large as a building and be either temporary or permanent. Access to such places is limited to those with appropriate security clearances or to others under their direct supervision. When a piece of information is classified, only persons with a security clearance equal to or higher than the classification level of the information in question are permitted to have access to it. Handling such information without an appropriate security clearance, or sharing such information with those who lack an appropriate security clearance, is generally a criminal offense. I remember the few times I have had to go inside Aso Rock, at the building entrance all visitors must submit and give in their mobile phones to be locked away. These include Governors and Ministers. What does this indicate? Simple, you are entering a classified restricted area.
What is even more frightening is not the leak itself but the reasons behind such a high profile leak. Some people have said the protests are being sponsored by those who want to bring down Tinubu’s government, I did not believe that claim until today. Mr Sowore has identified himself as one of the leaders of this protest, fair enough he is covered by the constitution to protest and speak freely but to leak the President’s address to him, can only mean one thing: Whosoever did this has some level of privilege and trust and unfortunately this person is unfortunately a
traitor, out to ridicule and bring down President Tinubu’s government. Some people are shouting revolution without understanding what they are asking for. People asked for revolution in Libya, Sudan and Somalia without understanding the chaos, upheaval, anarchy and bloodletting that would follow. Is that what we want for Nigeria? Do we really want to obliterate our democracy and plunge Nigeria into impenetrable darkness!?
The President has cautioned, “Now that we have been enjoying democratic governance for 25 years, do not let the enemies of democracy use you to promote an unconstitutional agenda that will set us back on our democratic journey. FORWARD EVER, BACKWARD NEVER!”
The President has called for dialogue. The choice fellow Nigerians, is in our hands!